The Sonovortex Anti-Hail Cannon
Because extreme weather phenomena tend to occur more often than in the past, The Sonovortex Anti-Hail Cannon is a great opportunity for both farmers and investors.
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This is a not so well-known system for preventing the hail. It works by creating shock-waves in an explosion chamber, which are then redirected, by using a metallic cone, having a specific geometry and size, in the upper parts of the atmosphere, in order to create a mechanical perturbation in the area where the hail creation process takes place. This perturbation prevents the formation of the ice crystals.
Our system takes a different approach: We use the output gases of an electrolysis process: hydrogen and oxygen. This mix is very explosive and the produced shockwave is very impressive. Our solutions doesn’t require storage tanks for the used gases. We use only water and electric power, creating the required amount of gases on-demand, in real-time. We also conceived a sensors system that conveys the required information to an “electronic brain”, which can automatically trigger the system, when it decides that the hail can occur with very high probability. This require a very thorough analysis of the meteorological data acquired by the sensors or of technical data received from meteorological stations spread on a vast territory (for e.g.: a region of a country). .
The technical diagram of the
Sonovortex Anti-Hail Cannon
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When we have applied for the European project we needed to provide a thorough simulation of the expenses. Thus, the business plan revolves around a final price of 22.000 euro for one unit. The price can be decreased in time if we'll build a high-tech assembly line. The European project, providing aprox. 200.000 euro, is conceived in a such way that upon its ending we should build 1 functional prototype and 2 working units.
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Anti Hail Cannon

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